Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ada Lovelace Day

About Ada Lovelace Day
Ada Lovelace Day aims to raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering and maths by encouraging people around the world to talk about the women whose work they admire. This international day of celebration helps people learn about the achievments of women in STEM, inspiring others and creating new role models for young and old alike.
The inspiration for Ada Lovelace Day came from psychologist Penelope Lockwood, who carried out a study which found that women need to see female role models more than men need to see male role models. "Outstanding women can function as inspirational examples of success," she said, "illustrating the kinds of achievements that are possible for women around them. They demonstrate that it is possible to overcome traditional gender barriers, indicating to other women that high levels of success are indeed attainable."
The day begins in Kiribati, the easternmost country in the world, and continues for a mindbending 50 hours, ending in American Samoa. Ada Lovelace Day is on 7th October 2011 and we encourage you to talk about women in stem that you admire and add you story to our directory so that others can find and read it.
Who's Ada?
Ada Lovelace is widely held to have been the first computer programmer. Close friends with inventor Charle Babbage, Lovelace was intrigued by his Analytical Engine and in 1842, she translated a description of it by italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea. Babbage asked her to expand the article, "as she understood [it] so well", and this was when she wrote several early 'computer programs'. Ada Lovelace died of cancer at 36, her potential tragically unfulfilled. Learn more about Ada...
You can also explore some of the primary documents by or about Ada that are online.
Who is your heroine?
Do you remember which women have influenced you over the years?
This Ada Lovelace Day on October 7, share your story about a woman — whether an engineer, a scientist, a technologist or mathematician — who has inspired you to become who you are today. Write a blog post, record a podcast, film a video, draw a comic, or pick any other way to talk about the women who have been guiding lights in your life. Give your heroine the credit she deserves!